John Schultheis Camera Equipment

Last Modified: June 27, 1999

I have been taking pictures seriously since about 1977. I have a variety of 35mm equipment, and I made the jump to Medium Format a few years ago. I have a variety of Lighting Equipment, and other accessories. If you have any questions about any of these pieces, or you would like my impressions about any of these pieces, please E-mail me at the address below. I love to talk photography.

I have included these lists partially to show some of my versatility and to help establish my credibility, and to trigger conversations. In addition, I am just showing off the extent of my collection.

This is NOT a commercial site. I am not trying to sell anything. These cameras and lenses are NOT for sale.

35mm Equipment:

I own several Minolta cameras, the two I currently use are the Maxxum 700si and the Maxxum 7xi. Previously I owned a couple of Maxxum 7000's. If you would like to know my opinions about these cameras, let me know. Mail to: John Schultheis /

In addition I have a Pentax Zoom90WR. This is a compact 35mm camera that I use in wet or foul weather conditions. I would prefer a longer focal length zoom capability, but I bought it for the "Water Resistant" capabilities. This is the camera I take whitewater rafting and snowskiing.

This is NOT a commercial site. I am not trying to sell anything. This camera and components are NOT for sale.

Medium Format Equipment:

I also own a Mamiya 645 Pro, with the AE Prism and the Power Drive Grip. I love this camera, I just wish I had time to use it more.

This is NOT a commercial site. I am not trying to sell anything. These pieces are NOT for sale.

Lighting Equipment:

I also own a Mamiya 645 Pro, with the AE Prism and the Power Drive Grip. I love this camera, I just wish I had time to use it more.

This is NOT a commercial site. I am not trying to sell anything. These pieces are NOT for sale.

Other Equipment:

I also own a variety of other "goodies and toys" including, but not limited to:

Feedback or comments? Mail to: John Schultheis /